1R16. Analysis of Composite Structures. - C Decolon (Dept of Mech, Conservatoire Natl des Arts et Metiers, France). Hermes Sci Publ, Paris. Distributed in USA by Taylor & Francis Publ, New York NY. 2002. 336 pp. ISBN 1-56032-982-3. $135.00.

Reviewed by E Armanios (Sch of Aerospace Eng, Georgia Inst of Tech, Atlanta GA 30332-0150).

This book, comprising three parts and four appendices, provides a mathematical presentation of the governing equations for laminated composite plates and beams. The first part is devoted to the anisotropic constitutive relationships with emphasis on orthotropic materials. Hygrothermal effects are covered. Maximum stress and strain failure criteria are presented as well as Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu, and Hoffman polynomial based criteria.

The second part treats laminated plates. The governing equations for thin plates based on the Kischhoff-Love assumptions are presented first. Symmetric orthotropic plates are studied for the cases of bending, vibration, and buckling. The stiffness coefficients for asymmetrical cases are presented as well. Bending, vibration, and buckling is presented for thin plates with asymmetric cross-ply as well as asymmetric balanced stacking sequences. Thermo-elastic behavior is considered through the derivation of the 3D and plane stress constitutive relationships for orthotropic off-axes layups. Applications to balanced and symmetric laminates are presented. Moderately thick orthotropic symmetric plates are analyzed using Reissner-Mindlin assumptions. Cylindrical bending of thin and moderately thick laminated plates is presented for the cases of bending, vibration, and buckling.

The third part considers symmetrical beams starting with axial loading and followed by bending, including transverse shear strain effects. Applications to bending, vibration, and buckling are provided. Four appendices are devoted to the derivation of the governing equations for laminated plates. In the first two appendices, the governing equations of small and large transverse displacements of plates are derived by integrating the equations of motion. The third and fourth appendices use a variational formulation to obtain the governing equations for laminated plates based on Kirchoff-Love and Reissner-Mindlin assumptions, respectively.

The book aims at presenting the basis for the analysis of composites structures. As such, minimum derivation of equations is provided mainly in appendices. The focus is on the mathematical presentation of governing equations and closed-form solutions. The book is suited as a reference for graduate students and practitioners of mechanics of laminated composites. Its appealing feature is the systematic and compact presentation of the governing equations of beams and laminated composite thin and moderately thick plates including small and large transverse displacements, into a single reference. The figures adequately illustrate the boundary and loading conditions associated with the development of the governing equations. None of the equations are numbered making it difficult at times to follow the mathematical presentation sequence across sections and chapters. The inclusion of references to specific works by some investigators would enhance the author’s presentation and comments within the text of the book.

Analysis of Composite Structures should be a good reference for purchase by graduate students and practicing scientists and engineers.