To obtain more efficient operation of a COBE Model 2997 clinical cell separator using either a Single Stage II (SS II) or a Dual Stage separation chamber, modifications were made to allow complete computer control. Product cell density was detected using an optical sensor and controlled by automatic feedback through a microcomputer interface. Control was accomplished by automatically adjusting the red blood cell (RBC) and plasma product flow rates using a proportional-integral (PI) algorithm. Results show that, using either chamber, the product cell density can be maintained at a preselected value for extended periods of time without operator intervention. This system allowed investigation of optimal operating regions for plateletpheresis and leukapheresis procedures. The effects of centrifuge rpm and controller set point on centrifuge operation were investigated using a second order factorial experimental design. Theoretical significance of model parameters was assessed with the aid of a hindered settling model and simple reasoning about the interface position relative to the collection port. The results suggest that, in either chamber, the optimum operating region for plateletpheresis procedures occurs at moderate controller set points and high centrifuge rpm. The resultant operating efficiency and product purity values are approximately 63 percent and 0.65 respectively in the SS II chamber and approximately 70 percent and 0.70 respectively in the Dual Chamber. In the SS II, the optimum operating region for leukapheresis procedures occurred at high controller set point values for any centrifuge rpm above 1200 with an operating efficiency near 100 percent. However, in the Dual Chamber, the optimum operating region for leukapheresis procedures occurred at high controller set points and high centrifuge rpm’s, again providing an operating efficiency near 100 percent.

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