A two-dimensional transient Eulerian model integrating the kinetic theory for emulsion phase is used to simulate the bubbling and slugging gas-solid fluidized beds, including the Geldart B and D particles, respectively. CFD results show that utilizing an algebraic granular temperature equation, instead of a full granular temperature, one leads to a significant reduction in computational time without loosing accuracy. Different drag models have been examined in the current study. CFD results show that the Syamlal–O’Brien and Di Felice adjusted drag models, based on minimum fluidization velocity, are not suitable for the bed, including coarse particles (Geldart group B). The Gidaspow drag model displays better results in comparison with the others. A good agreement with the available experimental data and the researcher’s findings has been reached quantitatively and qualitatively. The proposed model can reasonably be used for simulation of slugging fluidized beds. This study reduces the computational error compared with the previous works.
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April 2010
Research Papers
CFD Simulation of the Bubbling and Slugging Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds
Seyyed Hossein Hosseini,
Seyyed Hossein Hosseini
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
e-mail: s.h.hosseini@mail.ilam.ac.ir
University of Ilam
, Ilam, Iran
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Wenqi Zhong,
Wenqi Zhong
School of Energy and Environment,
Southeast University
, Nanjing 210096, People’s Republic of China
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Mohsen Nasr Esfahany,
Mohsen Nasr Esfahany
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Isfahan University of Technology
, Isfahan 8415683111, Iran
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Leila Pourjafar,
Leila Pourjafar
Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Sistan and Baluchesta
, Zahedan 98164-161, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Salar Azizi
Salar Azizi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Arak University
, Arak, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Seyyed Hossein Hosseini
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Ilam
, Ilam, Iran
e-mail: s.h.hosseini@mail.ilam.ac.ir
Wenqi Zhong
School of Energy and Environment,
Southeast University
, Nanjing 210096, People’s Republic of China
Mohsen Nasr Esfahany
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Isfahan University of Technology
, Isfahan 8415683111, Iran
Leila Pourjafar
Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Sistan and Baluchesta
, Zahedan 98164-161, Iran
Salar Azizi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Arak University
, Arak, Iran
J. Fluids Eng. Apr 2010, 132(4): 041301 (10 pages)
Published Online: March 29, 2010
Article history
June 25, 2009
January 18, 2010
March 29, 2010
March 29, 2010
Hosseini, S. H., Zhong, W., Esfahany, M. N., Pourjafar, L., and Azizi, S. (March 29, 2010). "CFD Simulation of the Bubbling and Slugging Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. April 2010; 132(4): 041301. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4001140
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