Plug nozzles are frequently regarded as a strong contender for futuristic single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) space missions due to their inherent altitude-compensating properties. Optimizing the design of these nozzles to achieve peak performance during the initial ascent phase is of pre-eminent importance. The current research aims to deepen our comprehension of the unsteady behavior of plug nozzles during this ascent phase, commonly referred to as the overexpanded flow regime. It utilizes a full-spike plug nozzle and employs a finite volume-based solver within the OpenFOAM framework to investigate flow features across nozzle pressure ratios (NPRs) ranging from 3 to 8. Additionally, the Ffowcs Williams Hawkings (FW-H) analogy is employed to assess the influence of acoustics in the nozzle's flow field at different NPRs. Spectral analysis and flow visualizations are employed to study the frequency content and the respective flow features of the system. It is observed that the flow exhibits separation beyond NPR 4 and is highly unsteady at NPR 6, which is inferred from the prominence of the recirculation bubble. However, beyond NPR 6, the flow tends to reattach the plug surface, dampening the disturbance.