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Keywords: parallel processing
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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research Papers
J. Fluids Eng. February 2010, 132(2): 021105.
Published Online: February 16, 2010
.... A dynamic Smagorinsky model with SIMPLE coupling method and a bounded central difference scheme are used to reduce numerical errors. The high demands for computations of the three-dimensional turbulent flows are afforded through parallel processing and utilization of 20 processors. The numerical results...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Fluids Eng. January 2003, 125(1): 181–188.
Published Online: January 22, 2003
... parallel processing computational fluid dynamics mesh generation Knudsen flow Due to the complicated physical features possessed by hypersonic compression ramp flow and its importance to the design of hypersonic vehicles, it has been studied extensively in the past, 1 2 3 4 5 6 . Details...