Buoyancy-induced flow can occur in the cavity between the co-rotating compressor disks in gas-turbine engines, where the Rayleigh numbers can be in excess of . In most cases the cavity is open at the center, and an axial throughflow of cooling air can interact with the buoyancy-induced flow between the disks. Such flows can be modeled, computationally and experimentally, by a simple rotating cavity with an axial flow of air. This paper describes work conducted as part of ICAS-GT, a major European research project. Experimental measurements of velocity, temperature, and heat transfer were obtained on a purpose-built experimental rig, and these results have been reported in an earlier paper. In addition, 3D unsteady CFD computations were carried out using a commercial code (Fluent) and a RNG turbulence model. The computed velocity vectors and contours of temperature reveal a flow structure in which, as seen by previous experimenters, “radial arms” transport cold air from the center to the periphery of the cavity, and regions of cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation are formed on either side of each arm. The computed radial distribution of the tangential velocity agrees reasonably well with the measurements in two of the three cases considered here. In the third case, the computations significantly overpredict the measurements; the reason for this is not understood. The computed and measured values of Nu for the heated disk show qualitatively similar radial distributions, with high values near the center and the periphery. In two of the cases, the quantitative agreement is reasonably good; in the third case, the computations significantly underpredict the measured values.
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October 2007
Technical Papers
Buoyancy-Induced Flow in Open Rotating Cavities
J. Michael Owen,
J. Michael Owen
University of Bath
, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
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Hans Abrahamsson,
Hans Abrahamsson
Volvo Aero Corporation
, 46181 Trollhättan, Sweden
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Klas Lindblad
Klas Lindblad
Volvo Aero Corporation
, 46181 Trollhättan, Sweden
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J. Michael Owen
University of Bath
, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
Hans Abrahamsson
Volvo Aero Corporation
, 46181 Trollhättan, Sweden
Klas Lindblad
Volvo Aero Corporation
, 46181 Trollhättan, SwedenJ. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Oct 2007, 129(4): 893-900 (8 pages)
Published Online: January 11, 2007
Article history
June 19, 2006
January 11, 2007
Owen, J. M., Abrahamsson, H., and Lindblad, K. (January 11, 2007). "Buoyancy-Induced Flow in Open Rotating Cavities." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. October 2007; 129(4): 893–900. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2719260
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