This technical brief reports new findings regarding the strong relationship between the temperature of the bipolar plates of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack and thermal conditions within the membranes of the stack. The unique feature of the study is the notion that bipolar plate temperature might be used as an indicator to identify optimal stack clamping pressures that lead to nearly isothermal conditions inside the stack. Uniform thermal (and humidity) conditions are expected to enhance fuel cell durability and reliability.
Issue Section:
Technical Briefs
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, 2005, “A Single-Phase, Non-Isothermal Model for PEM Fuel Cells
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, pp. 1047
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, 2007, “Influence of the Design Parameters in a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell on the Mechanical Behavior of the Polymer Membrane
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, 2007, “On Mechanical Behavior and In-Plane Modeling of Constrained PEM Fuel Cell Membranes Subjected to Hydration and Temperature Cycles
,” J. Power Sources
0378-7753, 167
, pp. 366
.Copyright © 2008
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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