While powder bed fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing offers many advantages and exciting applications, its broader adoption is hindered by issues with reliability and variations during the manufacturing process. To address this, researchers have identified the importance of using both finite element modeling and control-oriented modeling to predict and improve the quality of printed parts. In this paper, we propose a novel control-oriented multi-track melt pool width model that utilizes the superposition principle to account for the complex thermal interactions that occur during PBF. We validate the effectiveness of the model by applying a finite element model of the thermal fields in PBF.
1 Introduction
Additive manufacturing (AM) differs from conventional subtractive machining as it creates a part by adding material layer by layer, directly from a digital model. Powder bed fusion (PBF) is a specific AM technique that uses high-precision lasers or electron beams as the energy source to fuse polymeric or metallic powder materials together. While PBF has revolutionized the fabrication of complex parts, there are still challenges to its wider adoption. These challenges include issues with reliability and in-process variations caused by uncertain laser-material interactions, environmental vibrations, powder recycling, imperfect interactions of mechanical components, and the recursive thermal histories of materials [1–5].
In PBF, a typical part is built from thousands of thin layers, as shown in Fig. 1. Each layer is created by regulating the energy beam to follow trajectories predetermined in a slicing process based on the part geometry. Once a layer is finished printing, a new thin layer of powder is spread on top, and the process repeats. Modeling this complex dynamic system (Fig. 1) is crucial for understanding and controlling PBF and related techniques. Researchers use finite element modeling to explore energy deposition mechanisms, and control-oriented modeling to build mathematical models that can regulate in-process variations. For instance, Refs. [1,6–8] adopt finite element modeling to investigate the effects of various scan configurations on the thermal fields of powder bed, the geometries of melt pool, and the mechanical properties of printed parts. In control-oriented modeling, Refs. [9–12] employ the low-order system models and further build the nonlinear submodels to cover more process dynamics. Based on these models, subsequent control algorithms such as PID control [13], sliding mode control [11], predictive control [9], repetitive control [2,14], iterative learning-based control [15], and iterative simulation-based control [4,16] have proven effective in improving the dimensional accuracy of printed parts.
This paper presents a novel approach to modeling and examining PBF by combining finite element modeling and control-oriented modeling. First, we develop a finite element model (FEM) to look into the intricate thermal interactions that occur during the PBF process. The FEM then serves as a simulation platform for gathering data and identifying parameters for the proposed modeling schemes. In contrast to the typically used low-order system models, we develop a physics-based analytical model for control-oriented modeling that accounts for the complex dynamic behavior of melt pool width during multi-track PBF process. The proposed control-oriented multi-track model is formulated by applying superposition to a single-track model derived from the Rosenthal equation, with melt pool width as the output. We validate the accuracy of the multi-track melt pool width model using FEM and demonstrate that the developed model can effectively represent the key characteristics of the convoluted multi-track PBF process.
2 Finite Element Model of Thermal Fields in Powder Bed Fusion

Left: powder bed and substrate with selective meshing scheme. Right: surface temperature distribution at t = 0.14 s. The lined isotherm indicates T = Tm.
We employ temperature-dependent thermal properties k, cp, and ρ for both solid and liquid materials. Then, we calculate the thermal properties of the powder material based on the porosity of the solid material. To account for the latent heat of fusion, we introduce the effective heat capacity. The left plot of Fig. 2 displays the bidirectional scan strategy and the built geometry blocks that consist of a substrate and a thin layer of powder bed. The right plot of Fig. 2 illustrates the simulated surface temperature profile at 0.14 s, where the isotherm of T = Tm depicts the melt pool geometry and Tm is the melting point. For more information regarding the thermal properties, process parameters, and meshing scheme utilized in this FEM, please refer to Ref. [4], where it has been experimentally validated.
The developed FEM functions as a simulation platform for predicting the thermal fields of the powder bed throughout the multi-track PBF process. The finite element results are shown in Fig. 3, as well as in the top plots of Figs. 6 and 8. We observe that the start of each track has larger melt pool widths than the rest of the track. This is because in bidirectional scanning, when the energy beam approaches the end of one track, the large latent heat does not have enough time to dissipate out before the next track starts. Later on we will use the data (e.g., melt pool width) generated from the FEM to identify and verify the proposed analytical model. Specifically, we obtain the melt pool width from the FEM-predicted temperature distribution by searching the isotherm of T = Tm for the maximum width.
3 Preliminaries
The Rosenthal equation is commonly used in the context of additive manufacturing to estimate the temperature distribution during the manufacturing process. This equation relates the temperature at a specific point in a material to the process parameters such as laser power, scan speed, and material properties.
The derivation of the Rosenthal equation involves making certain assumptions and simplifications. First, the material’s physical coefficients such as k, ρ, and cp are assumed to be independent of temperature. The use of average values of these coefficients provides a reasonable approximation and enables a closed-form solution to be obtained. Second, the internal heat generation is neglected, i.e., qs = 0. Third, the workpiece material is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. Additionally, when the powder bed is processed long enough, a quasi-stationary state is presumed to be reached, i.e., the temperature undergoes no change with time in the moving coordinate system (ξ, y, z). Moreover, a point heat source is used instead of a Gaussian distribution. Finally, the effect of latent heat of fusion is considered negligible since the absorbed latent heat evolves later on.
It’s worth pointing out that the Rosenthal equation is not directly derived from Green’s functions or probability density function (PDF) kernels. The Rosenthal equation is a simplified heat conduction equation that takes into account factors like heat generation, heat conduction, and convective cooling, but it’s derived through simplifications and assumptions specific to the additive manufacturing process. Green’s functions or PDF kernels are used in more general mathematical and physical contexts to solve differential equations, including heat conduction equations, but their direct connection to the Rosenthal equation in additive manufacturing is not common.
, where , , and r* represents the value of r at the melt pool width.
r*M ≫ 1.
The approximation of q is improved by including the zero-speed power, i.e., the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (5).
The assumptions hold reasonably well for all alloys except AlSi10Mg under typical PBF configurations [18].
4 Multi-Track Melt Pool Width Model
Melt pool width is a crucial parameter for monitoring part properties during PBF manufacturing. Maintaining a user-defined reference value for melt pool width is essential to achieving uniform part quality [19]. To fulfill this requirement, we present a novel analytical model that emulates the dynamic behavior of melt pool width during the multi-track PBF process. The application of this multi-track melt pool width model can aid in developing control algorithms that mitigate process variations and ensure consistent part quality. In this section, we implement the superposition principle to model the evolution of the multi-track melt pool width, based on the single track expression in Eq. (5). The key idea is that the cumulative thermal effect of previous tracks on the current track is reflected on the increasing initial temperature T0.
To explain the proposed analytical model in detail, we provide a step-by-step procedure below. The melt pool width of the first track w1 can be directly calculated by Eq. (5) with T0 = T01 = Tamb, where T01 indicates the initial temperature of every sample on the first track and equals the ambient temperature Tamb. Parameters q, ux, k, ρ, and cp are set to be constant. When the laser point reaches the end of the first track, for every sample on the second track as shown in Fig. 4, ξ = (n − 1)uxts, y = h, and z = 0, where n is the sample number, ts the sampling time, and h the hatch spacing. Furthermore, we have T1(ξ, h, 0) = T01(N) + Tr(n) from Eq. (3), where T1 is the temperature distribution of the laser point at the track end and N is the total number of samples per track. Here, T01(N) indicates the initial temperature of the last sample at the first track. The residual thermal effect of the first track on the second track are reflected on the initial temperature of every sample on the second track: T02(n) = T1(ξ, h, 0) = T01(N) + Tr(n). Then with T0 = T02, we can calculate the melt pool width of the second track w2(n) from Eq. (5). Similarly, for the i th track, we have T0i(n) = T0(i−1)(N) + Tr(n), and the melt pool width wi(n) is the solution of Eq. (5) with T0 = T0i.
Multi-track melt pool width modeling
Require: number of tracks M, number of samples per track N, laser power q, scan speed ux, melting point Tm, ambient temperature Tamb, sampling time ts, hatch spacing h, thermal properties k, ρ, cp, sample shift np, and tuning parameters α, β
1: i ← 1
2: T01 ← Tamb
3: whilei < = Mdo
4: n ← 1
5: whilen < = Ndo
6: ifn < npthen
7: ξ = β (n − np)uxts
8: else
9: ξ = (n − np)uxts
10: end if
12: Calculate Tr(n) from Eq. (4)
14: Calculate wi(n) by (5) with T0 = T0i
15: n ← n + 1
16: end while
17: i ← i + 1
18: end while
For an individual track, we notice that the melt pool width reaches its peak value a few samples after the track start, specifically at n = np. For example, np = 3 in Fig. 3. On the other hand, from the analytical multi-track model, the melt pool width reaches its peak value at the track start since n = 1, ξ = (n − 1)uxts = 0, Tr in Eq. (4) peaks, and then T0i peaks. To address the mismatch, we make an adaptation to the proposed model by shifting the virtual laser spots out by np − 1 samples (see Fig. 5) and introducing a tuning parameter β for the first np − 1 samples (as in Algorithm 1). Furthermore, to add more design flexibility, we reformulate T0i as T0i(n) = T0(i−1)(N) + Tr(n)/α by introducing another tuning parameter α. Algorithm 1 outlines the fundamental steps of the proposed analytical model for predicting the melt pool width during the multi-track PBF process.
We employ the FEM built in Sec. 2 to simulate the evolution of the melt pool width among multiple tracks. Using the ten-track FEM data in Fig. 6, we identify the parameters in the proposed multi-rack melt pool width model as np = 3, α = 20.8, and β = 0.5. The other parameter values can be found in Table 1. Figure 7 shows the resulted Tr, T02, and w2, where the analytical melt pool width peaks at the third sample after the shift. Furthermore, we compare in Fig. 8 the twenty-track melt pool results from the identified analytical model and the FEM. From the top plots of Figs. 6 and 8, we can tell that the proposed multi-track model can effectively capture the spikes at the start of each track. Moreover, the model can catch the increasing trend of the melt pool width as the track number increases. This is due to the fact that the initial temperature profile T0i increases with the track number, as shown in the bottom plots of Figs. 6 and 8. Overall, the proposed model’s melt pool width results closely match those of the FEM, with a difference of 5 μm. In addition, compared to FEM, the proposed model reduces the computational burden to a bare minimum. When modeling the ten-track PBF process as in Fig. 6, it takes 4.5 h using FEM [4] and only seconds using the proposed multi-track melt pool width model. Although the FEM has been experimentally validated in Ref. [4], our future endeavors will involve further verification of the proposed model through the PBF experiments directly.
Parameter values
Name | Symbol | Value |
Laser power | q | 60 W |
Scan speed | ux | 100 mm/s |
Melting point | Tm | 1923.15 K |
Sampling time | ts | 0.5 ms |
Ambient Temperature | Tamb | 293.15 K |
No. of samples per track | N | 100 |
Hatch spacing | h | 60 μm |
Thermal properties | k, ρ, cp | [12] |
Name | Symbol | Value |
Laser power | q | 60 W |
Scan speed | ux | 100 mm/s |
Melting point | Tm | 1923.15 K |
Sampling time | ts | 0.5 ms |
Ambient Temperature | Tamb | 293.15 K |
No. of samples per track | N | 100 |
Hatch spacing | h | 60 μm |
Thermal properties | k, ρ, cp | [12] |
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we present a comprehensive approach to analyze the melt pool width during the multi-track PBF process. First, we construct a FEM to simulate the thermal fields of PBF. Next, we develop a multi-track analytical model by applying the superposition principle to a single-track melt pool width model derived from the Rosenthal equation. Based on the FEM data, we identify the parameters and validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. The results demonstrate that the proposed analytical model can effectively be catching the complex dynamics of melt pool width that occur during the multi-track PBF process.
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 1953155.
Conflict of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and supporting the findings of this article are obtainable from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.