A transient, flexible rotor formulation is derived on the basis of a representation previously employed to simulate the motion of flexible spinning spacecraft. The distributed parameter characteristics of the rotor are approximated by modeling the rotor as an elastically connected group of n rigid bodies. The elastic rotor deflections of the component rigid bodies are defined in terms of a rotor-fixed frame of reference; hence, during constant synchronous whirling the elastic deflections appear to be constant. The model is initially simplified by the traditional small deflection assumptions of the theory of elasticity, and is additionally simplified by the use of modal coordinates. Modal coordinates dramatically reduce the dimensionality of the model, and significantly clarify the dynamic analysis of the problem. Required data input to the model, and typical model output are demonstrated for the Mark 15-F turbopump of the Rocketdyne J-2 engine system. The model is shown to correctly demonstrate the form of unstable rotor whirling associated with internal hysteresis damping when operating above the first bending-mode critical speed.

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