To perform an elastic-plastic finite element analysis of a tubesheet, the anisotropic stiffness and yield properties of the perforated region are represented by an equivalent solid plate. Traditional anisotropic yield criteria (like Hill’s criterion) do not give accurate predictions under general biaxial loading because they neglect the plastic compressibility of the perforated material. A compressible-anisotropic second-order yield criterion is derived which can model both the actual out-of-plane and in-plane behavior. Using an equivalent stress vector, the in-plane symmetry properties of the second-order compressible model are examined for a triangular penetration pattern. Generally, the tubesheet symmetry is not precisely reflected by this model. Additional planes of symmetry can be introduced with a higher-order yield function. A fourth-order yield function with the required symmetry properties is presented which is in excellent agreement with the response of a finite element, elastic-plastic model of a tubesheet ligament under in-plane biaxial loading.
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February 2001
Technical Papers
Yield Criteria for the Elastic-Plastic Design of Tubesheets With Triangular Penetration Pattern
Wolf D. Reinhardt
Wolf D. Reinhardt
Babcock & Wilcox Canada, 581 Coronation Boulevard, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1R 5V3
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Wolf D. Reinhardt
Babcock & Wilcox Canada, 581 Coronation Boulevard, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1R 5V3
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division and presented at the Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1–5, 1999, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, October 27, 1999; revised manuscript received March 7, 2000. Technical Editor: S. Y. Zamrik.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Feb 2001, 123(1): 118-123 (6 pages)
Published Online: March 7, 2000
Article history
October 27, 1999
March 7, 2000
Reinhardt, W. D. (March 7, 2000). "Yield Criteria for the Elastic-Plastic Design of Tubesheets With Triangular Penetration Pattern ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. February 2001; 123(1): 118–123.
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