The objective of this investigation is the comparison between supercritical ethane (s-ethane, C2H6) and supercritical carbon dioxide (s-CO2) Brayton power cycles for line-focusing concentrated solar power plants (CSP). In this study, CSP are analyzed with linear solar collectors (parabolic trough (PTC) or linear Fresnel (LF)), direct molten salt (MS), or direct steam generation (DSG) as heat transfer fluids (HTF), and four supercritical Brayton power cycles configurations: simple Brayton cycle (SB), recompression cycle (RC), partial cooling with recompression cycle (PCRC), and recompression with main compression intercooling cycle (RCMCI). All Brayton power cycles were assessed with two working fluids: s-CO2 and s-ethane. As a main result, we confirmed that s-ethane Brayton power cycles provide better net plant performance than s-CO2 cycles for turbine inlet temperatures (TITs) from 300 °C to 550 °C. As an example, the s-ethane RCMCI plant configuration net efficiency is ∼42.11% for TIT = 400 °C, and with s-CO2 the plant performance is ∼40%. The CSP Brayton power plants were also compared with another state-of-the-art CSP with DSG in linear solar collectors and a subcritical water Rankine power cycle with direct reheating (DRH), and a maximum plant performance between ∼40% and 41% (TIT = 550 °C).
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February 2016
S-Ethane Brayton Power Conversion Systems for Concentrated Solar Power Plant
Luis Coco Enríquez,
Luis Coco Enríquez
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Search for other works by this author on:
Javier Muñoz-Antón,
Javier Muñoz-Antón
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Search for other works by this author on:
José María Martínez-Val Peñalosa
José María Martínez-Val Peñalosa
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Search for other works by this author on:
Luis Coco Enríquez
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Javier Muñoz-Antón
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
José María Martínez-Val Peñalosa
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Department of Energy Engineering,
Technical University of Madrid—UPM,
Madrid 28040, Spain
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING: INCLUDING WIND ENERGY AND BUILDING ENERGY CONSERVATION. Manuscript received June 12, 2015; final manuscript received November 23, 2015; published online December 29, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Mary Jane Hale.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Feb 2016, 138(1): 011012 (12 pages)
Published Online: December 29, 2015
Article history
June 12, 2015
November 23, 2015
Enríquez, L. C., Muñoz-Antón, J., and Peñalosa, J. M. M. (December 29, 2015). "S-Ethane Brayton Power Conversion Systems for Concentrated Solar Power Plant." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. February 2016; 138(1): 011012.
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