Wood pallets are increasingly being used in drive-in racks and are often positioned for easy access with supports parallel to the outer stringers. The performance of these pallets is governed by the bending behavior of the deckboards as affected by the distribution of the load and the rigidity of the nailed joints. This report gives design formulas for calculating the short-term constant environmental condition bending stiffness and bending strength of three-stringer pallets used in racks. The formulas treat an arbitrary rigidity of the nailed joints and an arbitrary area of the top deck covered by a uniformly distributed, symmetric, and centrally applied load.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, T. B.
, “Load-Carrying Capacity of Deckboards for General-Purpose Pallets
,” U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Research Paper
2153, Forest Products Laboratory
, Madison, WI
, 1959
, W. B.
, Stern
, E. G.
, and Johnson
, J. A.
, “Determination of Flexural Behavior of Stringer-Type Pallets and Skids
,” Bulletin 146, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University Wood Research and Wood Construction Laboratory
, Blacksburg, VA
, 07
, W. B.
, “Pallet Strength Computation—a Simplified Procedure
,” Bulletin 151, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University Wood Research and Wood Construction Laboratory
, Blacksburg, VA
, 08
, B.
, “The Developments of a Model of the Mechanical Behavior of Wooden Pallets
,” Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University Department of Forest Production, School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources
, Blacksburg, VA, 07
, J. O.
and Sidebottom
, O. M.
, Elementary Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
, Macmillan
, New York
, 1969
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